Friday, May 15, 2009

How to Send Things to Us:

“Your Name,” PCT
S/c Corps de la Paix
01 B.P. 6031
Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso

Some Important Mailing Tips:

  • Purchase international postage and write "Air Mail/Par Avion" on the envelope.

  • If you're sending more than five pounds, the best deal is a flat-rate box from the post office. This should cost approximately $40. Please keep in mind that although we do love getting packages from home there is a customs fee that we have to pay on every package. Until we find out more information on the amount of the custom fee for the standard package please try and talk with one another on when people are sending packages.

  • Label the green customs forms with "school supplies," "food," "personal health items" etc. DO NOT write down anything valuable (like batteries, solar radio, etc.) even if they are in the box. You can use generic terms like "electronics."

  • Avoid sending cash or checks as they will inevitably be stolen.

  • Letters are said to take anywhere from 2-4 weeks and packages 3-4 weeks.