Saturday, October 24, 2009

New Mail Box

Hello everyone!

We are updating our contact information for everyone. We now have two different mail boxes in Burkina. One is still in Ouaga, so it only gets checked once a month. The other one is in Boulsa, so that gets checked at least twice a week.

Tim Moss and Becky Turnquist, PCV
S/c Corps de la Paix
01 B.P. 6031
Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso


Tim Moss and Becky Turnquist, PCV
01 B.P. 205
Boulsa, Burkina Faso

We also have phones now :) If you are feeling adventurous and lucky you can give us a call. We love phone calls :)

Tim's phone: 0022671782278
Becky's phone: 0022675273762

Thank you to everyone for writing us letters. We love to get them and they mean a lot to us.